ginstr GmbH Apps

Security Bag Tracking
ginstr GmbH
Tracking of security bags with NFC tags for safe transport,storage, safekeeping
Labour Time Per Location
ginstr GmbH
Log labour time per location consistently, including photos, inreal time
Painter Service
ginstr GmbH
Performance and working time recording for painter services
Copier Maintenance
ginstr GmbH
Document completed tasks for copier maintenance
Bus Transportation Report busTransportationReport_16112015
ginstr GmbH
This app delivers an efficient and quicksolution to register the bus passengers entry/exit along with therelevant details i.e. name of the passengers, location, time stampetc. to deliver a mechanism ensuring that the scheduled travel isexecuted with utmost transparency.For example, the app can seamlessly log the transportation ofschool children, the disabled, and other passengers subject to anextended duty of care, including tour groups. This can further beverified in terms of each passenger entry/exit recorded with busdetails i.e. bus number, driver information. The app also extendsto providing information on the number of passengers boarding thebus and they are inside the bus till the time the drop off isexecuted.In addition, one can determine at any time the onboardpassenger's location with the help of this app or through theoffice software. The data is continuously synchronized with theginstr servers and can be accessed in near real-time on anydevice.Each passenger's last entered or exit details are readily availableto the care-takers, family members or in the case of missingpeople.This app continuously replicates all user data with ginstrcloud.The data can then be analysed, processed, sorted, filtered andexported in ginstr web - the web based platform for use with allginstr apps.Link to ginstr web: data stored in the ginstr cloud is readily available forfurther processing by the bookkeeping department,dispatchers, HRdepartment etc.Features:▶ bus selection filter view availability▶ detects passenger's details on each entry or exit from the bus byway of a NFC enabled passenger identification card▶ registers new passengers details and NFC passenger Ids directlyon the app▶ registers new buses/vehicles directly on the app▶ registers all addresses automatically from the GPS coordinates(if GPS reception is available)▶ registers dates and time of data entry automatically▶ records the login details of usersBenefits:▶ readily available overview of passenger's occupancy in eachbus with updated entry/exit details▶ convenient billing facilitation of transport services to theservice provider since the necessary data is recorded in real timeand can be further processed and exported via .csv, .xls and .ziprespectively▶ manual recording of timesheets become superfluous, as the busdriver's working hours will be automatically detected andtransferred to the ginstr webThis app is offered to you at no cost; however, in order to use theapp in conjunction with the ginstr cloud you need to purchase aginstr subscription.
Water Cooler Maintenance
ginstr GmbH
Ongoing service record for water dispensers
Printer Maintenance printerMaintenance_12022015
ginstr GmbH
This ginstr app for printer rental and printermaintenance companies makes it easy to document completed tasksundertaken for each customer and to receive immediate confirmationon these tasks.Maintenance can be optimised by analysing maintenance cycles ofcustomers as well as fault tendencies of printers.This app continuously replicates all user data with ginstrcloud.The data can then be analysed, processed, sorted, filtered,exported and shared with other departments, such as accounting ordispatching, in ginstr web - the web based platform for use withall ginstr apps.Link to ginstr web:▶ records all customer information▶ records all completed maintenance tasks (E.g. cleaning,installation, refill)▶ sends notifications of defects or replacement▶ records any additional information▶ registers all addresses automatically from the GPS coordinateswhen entering data (if GPS reception is available)▶ registers dates and time of data entry automatically▶ records the logins of users▶ captures customer signaturesBenefits:▶ tamper-proof digital recording of all tasks completed percustomer or order▶ customers are able to confirm all completed tasks and the timespent by the worker▶ no time-consuming paperwork on location▶ receive daily inspection reports per employee▶ analyse most common tasks▶ identify fault tendencies of individual machines or machinetypes▶ covers all inspection requirements, securely saving the audittrails in ginstr cloud▶ service reports can be immediately incorporated into customerinvoicesThis app is offered to you at no cost; however, in order to use theapp in conjunction with the ginstr cloud you need to purchase aginstr subscription.
Construction Equipment Hire
ginstr GmbH
Record hiring of construction machines & equipment withconfirmation of customer
ginstr launcher Babel_24052017_production_de
ginstr GmbH
This ginstr launcher is the parent app thatallows you to run all ginstr apps on your mobile device. It needsto be installed on your smartphone or tablet in order to use anyginstr app.ginstr is your one-stop-shop for ready-to-go apps that helporganisations get rid of paperwork by digitising forms andstreamlining work processes.ginstr can help businesses:▶ eliminate the use of paper forms▶ save time and money on administration and paperwork▶ give real-time updates on field worker tasks▶ provide at any time an up-to-date audit trail▶ store all data on secure servers in the ginstr cloud▶ manage all collected data from any web browser in ginstrwebTry our ginstr solution for FREE with the 30-day free trialwith:▶ an unlimited use of the ginstr cloud for data storage▶ an unlimited use of ginstr apps▶ an unlimited number of subaccounts for multiple users at yourorganisationginstr apps can:▶ capture digital signatures, photos, videos, and voice memos▶ scan NFC tags, barcodes, and QR codes▶ locate with GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, fingerprinting▶ record dates, time, and working hours▶ create lists and tables▶ automatically send all collected data to the ginstr cloud; it canbe accessed instantly from any web browser via ginstr webSearch Google Play for ginstr apps: !They serve a multitude of different purposes for varyingindustries. Or order a tailored custom app with your desiredfunctions and design. Visit for furtherinformation.
Equipment Manager equipmentManager_20190521
ginstr GmbH
*** This app is available for a 30-day free trial. After thisperiod it requires a monthly fee. *** WHY USE GINSTR EQUIPMENTMANAGER APP? ======================================= KEEP TRACK OFYOUR EQUIPMENT Register equipment by reading QR codes and recordcondition of item, whether it needs servicing, and what kind ofservice is needed. MAINTAIN GOODS AVAILABILITY Read NFC rags ofemployees in charge of receiving/returning the equipment. DOCUMENTGOODS ACCOUNTABILITY Record user logins and capture employeesignatures. Register all addresses automatically from the GPScoordinates when entering data. KEEP A CUSTOMER LOG Record and sortdata by customer name, equipment type, hire date, or date ofreturn. MANAGE DATA ON THE CLOUD You can see your collected inforight from your computer's browser. INSTANT DATA-SHARE The datacollected is shared between mobile workers and office supervisorsin seconds, and it is accessible through the web dashboard. WORKSOFFLINE View and fill in electronic forms online or offline and itwill synchronise when the device connects to the internet.REAL-TIME LOCALISATION There's no need to wait for data to beuploaded. Everything collected by mobile employees is immediatelyavailable. --- Check out our website: We'realways excited to hear from you! If you have any feedback,questions, or concerns, please e-mail us at: Wantto know more about NFC Technology? The 'ginstr launcher' isrequired to run this ginstr application. If the launcher is notalready present on your smartphone, it will be installed along withthis application.
Scanner Manager
ginstr GmbH
Efficient tracking of handheld terminal scanners for logisticsmanagement
Mining Site Attendance
ginstr GmbH
Quickly and efficiently control the attendance of employees onmining sites
Flooring Task Manager flooringTaskManager_20190521
ginstr GmbH
This app enables flooring companies to quickly create detailed workreports for flooring services that include every completed task.Additional tasks that were not included in the original request canbe easily added and confirmed by the customer. Time spent on everytask is precisely recorded, resulting in better project planning,improved time management, and optimal calculation of services forinvoicing. The app continuously replicates all user data withginstr cloud. The data can then be analysed, processed, sorted,filtered, exported and shared with other departments, such asaccounting or dispatching, in ginstr web - the web based platformfor use with all ginstr apps. Link to ginstr web: Features: ▶ records customerinformation ▶ records all completed tasks and the areas covered ▶records employee working hours and time stamp of tasks performed ▶registers all addresses automatically from the GPS coordinates whenentering data (if GPS reception is available) ▶ records the loginsof users ▶ captures customer signatures Benefits: ▶ tamper-proofdigital recording of all tasks completed per customer or order ▶customers are able to confirm all completed tasks and the timespent by the worker ▶ view all data immediately for furtherprocessing ▶ never lose a job ticket as all activities aredigitally recorded ▶ include activity details in customer invoiceswithout delay This app is offered to you at no cost; however, inorder to use the app in conjunction with the ginstr cloud you needto purchase a ginstr subscription. The 'ginstr launcher' isrequired to run this ginstr application. If the launcher is notalready present on your smartphone, it will be installed along withthis application.
Home Alert homeAlert_23042015
ginstr GmbH
Home alert with location informationThis ginstr app allows sending an alert by simply scanning anNFCtag with any NFC capable smartphone. The alert can bedistributed toan unlimited number of SMS and e-mailrecipients.The NFC tag is fix mounted to a wall, or any other fixedarea.When the NFC tag is scanned the location of its positionistransmitted as part of the alert details information you willseein the ginstr platform. This app does not require GPS tobeswitched on;therefore it is very useful because thesmartphonebattery will not be drained by GPS.If the NFC tag is carried around by the resident (e.g. withanNFC wristband, NFC ring, NFC necklace etc.) when creating analertthe GPS position of the resident will be sent to thesecuritycentre along with other detailed alert information.The alert SMS (text messages) and alert e-mails includerelevantand important alert information including a link to a mapthatpinpoints the location where the alert was generated. Thisallowsthe rescue team to immediately see where the alert came fromsothey don´t lose any time in finding the person.Each alert is transmitted into the secure ginstr cloudfordocumentation. The alert handling is processed and managed bytheginstr backend.This app continuously replicates all user data withginstrcloud.The data can then be analysed, processed, sorted, filtered,exportedand shared with other departments, such as accountingordispatching, in ginstr web - the web based platform for usewithall ginstr apps.Link to ginstr web:▶ Resident master data is entered manually in ginstr web▶ The NFC-TAGs master data is manually entered in ginstr web▶ Assignment of a phone number to each smartphone (manuallyenteredin ginstr web)▶ Alerts are created by simply scanning an NFC tag with anyNFCcapable Smartphone▶ Immediate transmission of alert notifications can be sent toanunlimited number of SMS recipients and e-mail recipients▶ Logging of all alert data is securely stored in theginstrcloud▶ Handling of the alerts is promptly managed by ginstr webBenefits:▶ By using NFC tags it is very simple to create an alertwithdetailed location information▶ Each user can register an unlimited number of NFC tags▶ Alerts can be viewed anywhere with ginstr web on any PC, Macordevice connected to the internet with a standard webbrowser▶ Master data entry can be easily administered in ginstr web▶ Sorting and filtering of data with a multitude of location, customers, time-stamps of alerts etc▶ The data stored in the ginstr cloud is very useful forfurtherprocessing and can be exported to an excel spreadsheet(e.g.for usein the bookkeeping department or for management makingperformanceimprovements).This app is offered to you at no cost; however, in ordertoaccess the data in the platform you must purchase aginstrsubscription.
Road Safety Checklist roadSafetyChecklist_03022015
ginstr GmbH
With help from the app, patrols to inspecttheroadworthiness of roadwork sites are recorded.For this, NFC tags are attached to the barricades atthebeginning and end of a road construction site. These are thenreadon each inspection trip by the inspector. Thus one can quicklyandthoroughly check and verify whether the required inspectiontripswere actually made.This app continuously replicates all user data withginstrcloud.The data can then be analysed, processed, sorted, filtered,exportedand shared with other departments, such as accounting,workshop ordispatching, in ginstr web - the web based platform foruse with allginstr apps.Link to ginstr web: following activities are differentiated intheapp:Regular inspection tripTypical inspection trips for detecting andcorrectingirregularities related to a construction sitebarrier.Storm tripA storm trip is an inspection trip outside of the routinetrips,which is made if there is fear that the barriers at aroadconstruction site were affected by a storm.Administrative tripAn administrative trip is an inspection trip after setting upaconstruction site barrier. During this trip it isdocumentedwhether all necessary barricades have been carried outcorrectlyand on time.After scanning the NFC tags at the beginning of theconstructionsite, information may be collected about the followingwork:▶ setting up the construction site▶ aligning the barrier technology▶ repairing the lighting▶ replacing the batteries▶ replacing the barrier technology▶ cleaning the barrier technology▶ otherCompletion of the report and sending of the data to theginstrcloud is done by scanning the NFC tags at the end oftheconstruction site.Accident tripAn accident trip is made when a traffic accident has occurredata road construction site, which makes it necessary for someonetocome to the site to communicate with the police, the personwhoreported the accident and the person who is responsible fortheaccident.The following data is collected:▶ accident number▶ affected construction projects▶ date and time▶ road kilometres▶ driving direction▶ accident reported by (name)▶ name of perpetrator/police▶ damaged traffic equipment▶ working time in hours▶ accident photos (max. 2 photos)▶ comments from the maintenance driverCreate NFC tagThis menu item is used to assign the NFC tags at thebeginningand end of a construction site respectively or to changethe NFCtags assigned in the construction site data.Additional informationDuring all trips the following data is also collectedwithoutuser intervention:▶ serial numbers of the smartphones used▶ record each login of a user▶ registers dates and time of data entry automatically▶ registers all addresses automatically from the GPScoordinateswhen entering data (if GPS reception is available) atthe beginningand end of an inspection trip▶ clear assignment of the driving inspections intoregularinspection trips, storm trips and administrative trips.Accidenttrips are shown in a separate table.Benefits:▶ tamper-proof digital recording on completedinspectiontrips▶ efficient, almost automatic completion of logs withminimalpaperwork for the employee▶ proof of completed inspection trips with time stampandgeo-coordinates▶ automatic documentation with a perfect overview of all data intheginstr web with search, filter and sorting options.▶ driving logs cannot be lost on the way to the office▶ no more tedious and error prone transferring of the datafrompaper to digital form necessary▶ all data is live and available immediately▶ after an accident all necessary data is available promptlyanddoes not need to be laboriously compiled togetherThis app is offered to you at no cost; however, in order to usetheapp you must purchase a ginstr subscription.
Toilet Cleaning Report
ginstr GmbH
Complete logging of the professional cleaning of toilets
M2D Guardian
ginstr GmbH
NFC scan alerts with location information
Caregiver Manager Plus
ginstr GmbH
Enterprise Software Solution for Caregivers Management
Parking Lot Manager Plus APK_30092016_parkplatzManager
ginstr GmbH
Time to bid goodbye to the complex handling ofparking lots and parking crew. The Parking Lot Manager Plus is aningenious and cutting edge software solution for parking lotservice providers by delivering a cost effective solution to managethe parking facilities.The app is designed to ensure complete customer satisfactionwhere the management of authorised parking is run smoothly by wayof a user friendly mobile app and a robust parking managementsoftware. The app is inbuilt with the following blueprint for aparking management company:▶ Detailed specification of pending tasks per parking lot or areaas per the schedule of service, considering intermittency andpredefined timetables into account.▶ An indefinite number of checkpoints can be assigned per parkinglot or area. These Checkpoints can be assigned to tasks and workunits for a more detailed regulation of the field crew. Everycheckpoint generates a comprehensive report for the manager.▶ Deviations from actual working schedules are detected during thetask execution and reported.▶ Identification of above average expenses for the individualparking spaces, parking space groups or customers for promptoptimization and invoicing.▶ A productive and profitable supervision of workers is realised byevaluating the costs and margins per parking area, parking lotlevels, groups, and customers. This helps in the reducingstructural and process costs.▶ The parking lot software fits seamlessly into your operationalprocedures with prompt setup and implementation.Functionality:▶ Tasks for parking crew as well as work units are set up in theplanning phase of the operations. Once the planning is laideffectively then the same forms the basis for realising a highquality driven, reliable and cost effective service.▶ Facilitation of incorporating ongoing changes to theoperational plans and time tables gives your workers an overview ofthe performance expected from them. This leads to bettercoordination, defined delegation of tasks to the parking crewproviding them an effective management environment. As a result theparking management company can effectively uphold the appointmentswithout any conflict as and when there are changes in operations ofthe parking crew.▶ Every task is represented by way of an image on the smartphonewhich helps the parking crew to promptly understand the assignedtasks resulting in easy deployment. This saves cost for on-the-jobtraining as repetitions during this phase would no more berequired.▶ Tasks are constantly monitored to ensure they are beingundertaken as per the assigned schedule. Deviations from theschedule are automatically detected and reported. Real timemonitoring of actual tasks, costs, margins per parking lot, etc.allows for a profitable management of service personnel. Specialincidents can be reported by taking pictures, videos, texts andvoice notes.▶ The parking management software allows easy access to thedaily data and reports through any portable device includingmobiles, tablets etc.This ensures flexibility to the team leader and the data can beread, created and forwarded from any place. Bulky and physicalmachines i.e. computers or laptops are no more required to managethe parking system which leaves enough room for remote managementof parking crew.----------------------------------------------------------------Enjoy a 30 day free trial of the Parking Lot Manager plus appand software. For further details contact us will assign and enable a test account for you.The installation of the app is free. To use the app a paidsubscription is however required.
Office Cleaning Report
ginstr GmbH
Quickly creating detailed task reports for every office cleaningjob
Pest Control Inspection Report
ginstr GmbH
Quick and thorough recording of pest infestations in flats orresidential houses
Electric Meter Cabinet Reading electricMeterCabinetReading_20190521
ginstr GmbH
This app specializes in power meter reading by enabling easyrecording and accurate readings to the users for the purpose ofcost allocation and management of facilities. It targets FacilityManagement companies with a multitude of administrative units andeconomic entities. Gone are the days when Facility Managers use toencounter the delayed and wrong reporting of entries by theirmobile workers. Our ‘Electric Meter Cabinet Reading’ app is the onestop solution for the Facility Managers to improve the managementof various meters including the meter groups within the followingorganisational levels: ▶ Administrative units ▶ Economic entities ▶Facilities ▶ Rooms We took one-step ahead to simplify the processof handling such meters where the managers are allowed to group themeters depending on the availability of the number of meters ineach room. In each room, there can be one or more meter groups eachwith one or more electricity meters. For identifying each metergroup, an NFC tag is mounted that facilitates the reporting andcalculation of values belonging to such meter group. Features: Ourapp has room for the following master data handling: ▶Administrative units ▶ Economic entities ▶ Facilities ▶ Individualrooms ▶ Meter groups ▶ Meter types ▶ Meters Typical process to readthe electricity meters comprises: ▶ Scan the NFC tag mounted on ameter group with an NFC enabled Android device ▶ All metersassigned to this meter group are prompted on the device by way of adisplayed list. ▶ The user enters the current meter value besidesthe meter number twice to ensure accurate reporting. In case offailure of correct meter entry, an error message is displayed. ▶The user is allowed to take the photo of the current meter valuefor a better handling of potential disputes ▶ Some plausibilitychecks are carried out, for example the power consumption of thelast time period is compared to the power consumption of currenttime period and if both the values deviate significantly then theuser is promoted to a hint accordingly. On instance of deactivationof the old meters, in case they are replaced by new meters then theprocess is carried out as following: ▶ Newly mounted meters must beactivated by an office staff once these meters were mounted withthe initial registration of master data by the field workers. Thisensures high reliability of the master data as well as completionof adding all contractual data to the database. ▶ Users withextended user rights are available with a table in the app listingall the power meters that have not been read after a given date.This ensures that no meters are forgotten to be read in each timeperiod to ensure accuracy. ▶ The app detects if a power meterstarted to count from 0 again after reaching its maximum valueensuring correct power consumption to be calculated. Importantfeatures of ginstr web which is the office software for this app: ▶All data is stored in the ginstr cloud and can be further processedwith ginstr web. ▶ Sophisticated search options are availableincluding filter and computation features which makes it easy tohandle the master data as well as the data related to the meterreadings ▶ For further processing of the recorded data with thirdparty applications all data can be exported to CSV or Excel files ▶For seamless initial setup of the database it is possible to importexisting master data through Excel or CSV files into the ginstrcloud Benefits of using ginstr app: ▶ Error free identification ofthe power meter groups by way of NFC ▶ Immediate plausibility checkduring the onsite data detection ▶ the data is available inreal-time; no reading records can be lost on the way to the office▶ no more tedious and error prone transferring of the data frompaper to electronic mode ▶ usage-dependent invoices can be preparedimmediately after the reading ▶ the electric meter can bephotographed for better handling of potential disputes
Flat Handover Checklist
ginstr GmbH
Simple and fast logging of flat handovers to new tenants
Toilet Cleaning Checklist
ginstr GmbH
Complete logging of the cleaning of toilets including working hours
Fire Extinguisher Inspection
ginstr GmbH
Efficient management of the regular inspection of fireextinguishers
Window Cleaning Report
ginstr GmbH
Quickly and easily create work reports on window cleaning work
Hotel Laundry Service
ginstr GmbH
Get full control of your hotel laundry service
Hospital Bed Inventory Tracker
ginstr GmbH
Log location and condition of hospital beds
Gaming Machine Service
ginstr GmbH
Assessment of service and maintenance for slot machines
Traffic Safety Manager Plus
ginstr GmbH
Optimization of traffic safety measures of road constructioncompanies
Hotel Public Area Checklist
ginstr GmbH
Digital solution to document inspection of hotel public areas
Product Information Manager productInformation_20190607
ginstr GmbH
*** This app is available for a 30-day free trial. After thisperiod it requires a monthly fee. *** WHY USE GINSTR PRODUCTINFORMATION MANAGER APP?================================================== EASILY COLLECTDATA Use NFC technology, barcodes and QR codes to easily scan andrecord product information. PROVIDE PRODUCT DETAILS Provide shortdescriptions, multiple-line descriptions and add additionalinformation within product description. CREATE PRODUCT CATALOGUEAdd product photos along with the descriptions to complete acatalogue. DATA STORED AUTOMATICALLY Record logins of users, serialnumber of smartphone used, date and time of entry, and theaddresses from the GPS coordinates when entering data. MANAGE DATAON THE CLOUD You can see your collected info right from yourcomputer's browser. INSTANT DATA-SHARE The data collected is sharedbetween mobile workers and office supervisors in seconds, and it’saccessible through the web dashboard. WORKS OFFLINE View and fillin electronic forms online or offline and it will synchronise whenthe device connects to the internet. REAL-TIME LOCALISATION There'sno need to wait for data to be uploaded. Everything collected bymobile employees is immediately available. ----------- Check outour website: We're always excited to hearfrom you! If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, pleasee-mail us at: Want to know more about NFCTechnology? The 'ginstrlauncher' is required to run this ginstr application. If thelauncher is not already present on your smartphone, it will beinstalled along with this application.
Home Health Care homeHealthCare_29082016
ginstr GmbH
This app enables ambulant careservicesproviders to manage their patient visits and tasks whilequicklycreating complete work reports.While the app automatically registers the time and locationofpatient visits, nurses and caregivers are able toaccuratelycalculate and document the time spent with each patientand thework that was done.This helps avoid disputes over what tasks were carried outduringpatient visits thus contributing to a positivelyreinforcement ofthe home health agency’s image as a business.In the case where tasks are not completed according totheschedule, management can be alerted immediately forfastcontingency arrangements for the necessary patient care.Features:▶ reads NFC tags for recording patient care tasks▶ records patient name and contact information of relativesvregisters all addresses automatically from the GPS coordinateswhenentering data (if GPS reception is available)▶ registers dates and time of data entry automatically▶ records the logins of usersBenefits:▶ all completed patient care tasks can be easily andaccuratelystored on one NFC tag▶ no time-consuming paperwork on location, leaving more timeforpatient care▶ all collected data is immediately available▶ tasks not performed as scheduled are immediatelydetected,allowing you to resolve the problem quickly▶ react immediately to unexpected irregularities and eventsThis app is offered to you at no cost; however, in order to usetheapp you must purchase a ginstr subscription.
Guard Tour Manager Plus
ginstr GmbH
Guard tour software for more cost effective and ultimatelyprofitable operation
Witness Statement
ginstr GmbH
Documentation of the results of witness interviews
Plant Rental
ginstr GmbH
Rental protocol for plants, trees and room decoration
Plagiarism Detection
ginstr GmbH
Ensure product authenticity with this Plagiarism Detection App
Rack Jobber Manager Plus APK_17042017_rackJobberManagerPlus
ginstr GmbH
Rack Jobber Manager Plus, the real-time manager for rack jobers isa smart and modern software solution for enhancing the efficiencyof rack jobbers. Rack Jobber Manager Plus is a web-based solutionthat can be used across various devices by management. Rack jobberstaff performance is enhanced through the use of the Rack JobberManager Plus app on a smartphone. Highlights: ▶ Rack specificguidelines for scheduled tasks according to any detailed plannedjob requirements ▶ If rack jobbing tasks being performed deviatefrom the work schedule, this will be recognised, reported andrecorded in real-time ▶ Recognition of the optimum costings forindividual racks, regions and brands ▶ Yield-optimised managementof rack jobbing staff in real time becomes reality through theassessment of costs and margins for each rack, region, brand andclient ▶ The software is easily adapted to the workflows in yourcompany allowing you to harness the benefits of the solutionimmediately. Functionality: ▶ The rack jobbing tasks and workvalues can be individually defined for each rack during theplanning phase. This will form the basis for a high-quality,reliable and cost-efficient service. ▶ Work schedules arerecalculated on a daily basis so that your employees can always besure which services are expected of them. This means you can ensurethat services agreed with the client are effectively updated asagreed on a daily basis. As a result, conflicts between colleaguesand clients will become a thing of the past. ▶ Each task isdisplayed as an icon on your phone. New employees are ready forwork straight away dropping the cost of training noticeably. Theentire workflow for their shift is available in the palm of theirhands. ▶ Consistent monitoring to ensure tasks are executedaccording to plan. Deviations from the time and work schedule areautomatically recognised and reported. A real-time overview of thejobs, costs, margins and so on are actually being recorded perresident enabling yield-optimised management of staff. Particularincidents can be documented using images, text notes, voice notesor voice memos. ▶ The cloud based software provides access to datafrom any internet capable device. Region managers are no longerbound to the office allowing them to spend more time on site withclients.-------------------------------------------------------------- Testdrive the Rack Jobber Manager Plus today free for 30 days, thensimply pay only €17,90 per month for each user account based on a24 months subscription. Send us an e-mail and you will get yourfree test account: The 'ginstr launcher' isrequired to run this ginstr application. If the launcher is notalready present on your smartphone, it will be installed along withthis application.
Food Service Inspection
ginstr GmbH
Record results from kitchen inspections with Food ServiceInspection Checklist
Caregiver Checklist caregiverChecklistGeneric_20190521
ginstr GmbH
*** This app is available for a 30-day free trial. After thisperiod it requires a monthly fee. *** WHY USE GINSTR CAREGIVERCHECKLIST APP? ======================================= SAVE TIMEAND MONEY Eliminate paperwork and automate data entry reducingerrors that might normally occur when transferring data from paperform to digital form. UTILISE NFC TAGS Resident rooms are equippedwith NFC tags to be scanned every time the caretaker performs acheck-up or service. INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN REAL TIME Results orcheck-ups are available immediately and invoices of providedservices can be prepared immediately. ESTABLISH CHAIN OFRESPONSIBILITY Mark down what tasks were performed by whichcaregivers and monitor their performance. MANAGE DATA ON THE CLOUDYou can see your collected info right from your computer's browser.INSTANT DATA-SHARE The data collected is shared between mobileworkers and office supervisors in seconds, and it’s accessiblethrough the web dashboard. WORKS OFFLINE View and fill inelectronic forms online or offline and it will synchronise when thedevice connects to the internet. REAL-TIME LOCALISATION There's noneed to wait for data to be uploaded. Everything collected bymobile employees is immediately available. ----------- Check outour website: We're always excited to hearfrom you! If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, pleasee-mail us at: Want to know more aboutNFCTechnology? The 'ginstrlauncher' is required to run this ginstr application. If thelauncher is not already present on your smartphone, it will beinstalled along with this application.
Zoo Visitor Rating
ginstr GmbH
Conduct surveys among zoo visitors to identify potential forimprovement
IT Asset Manager itAssetManager_20190521
ginstr GmbH
*** This app is available for a 30-day free trial. After thisperiod it requires a monthly fee. *** WHY USE GINSTR IT ASSETMANAGER APP? ===================================== CONTROL RENTALPROCESS Streamline the rental process and know exactly where whichasset is at what point. Each step of the process can be tracked andobserved on the app. KEEP ACCURATE RECORDS Reduce human error inthe check-out and return process and make sure your records are asup-to-date as possible with minimal effort. REGISTER INFOAUTOMATICALLY NFC technology means that you can load certaininformation onto each device’s tag and know immediately the mostpertinent information. DOCUMENT ASSET OWNERSHIP The current rentercan sign off on each transfer of asset directly on the app whenthey receive and when they return an asset. MANAGE DATA ON THECLOUD You can see your collected info right from your computer'sbrowser. INSTANT DATA-SHARE The data collected is shared betweenmobile workers and office supervisors in seconds, and it’saccessible through the web dashboard. WORKS OFFLINE View and fillin electronic forms online or offline and it will synchronise whenthe device connects to the internet. REAL-TIME LOCALISATION There'sno need to wait for data to be uploaded. Everything collected bymobile employees is immediately available. ----------- Check outour website: We're always excited to hearfrom you! If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, pleasee-mail us at: Want to know more aboutNFCTechnology? The 'ginstrlauncher' is required to run this ginstr application. If thelauncher is not already present on your smartphone, it will beinstalled along with this application.
Construction Site Attendance
ginstr GmbH
Check which employees are currently present on the constructionsite
Time Recording
ginstr GmbH
Time recording and attendance of mobile workers with synchronizingto cloud
Gardening Task Manager
ginstr GmbH
Quick work reports for gardeners and landscapers
Electric Meter Reading
ginstr GmbH
Efficient and secure reading of electric meters with NFCidentification
Building Maintenance Mgmnt. buildingMaintenanceManagement_20190521
ginstr GmbH
This app allows property managers and landlords to digitallydocument all inspections and work reports for facility management.Completed tasks and activities are easily recorded, giving valuabledocumentation for the respective property owners. This appcontinuously replicates all user data with ginstr cloud. The datacan then be analysed, processed, sorted, filtered, exported andshared with other departments, such as bookkeeping and dispatching,in ginstr web - the web based platform for use with all ginstrapps. Landlords can use the registered data for controlling allactivities and scheduled inspections, as well as for creatinginvoices. Link to ginstr web: Features: ▶register the building location and starting time of task executionby reading an NFC tag mounted to the facility ▶ register thecompletion of a building inspection by reading the NFC tag againwhen finished ▶ mandatory feedback for all important area-specificchecks of each building (e.g. inside, outside, cellar, stairway,etc.) ▶ recording the condition of each part of the facility (e.g.landscaping, garbage area, emergency routes, lighting, etc.) ▶allows creating a report only after all obligatory information hasbeen supplied ▶ register facility address automatically from theGPS coordinates when entering data (if GPS reception is available)▶ register date and time of data entry automatically ▶ record eachlogin of a user ▶ capture customer signature Benefits: ▶ workersare able to create reports on location for the buildings they areresponsible for ▶ optimised facility management ▶ overview of timespent on inspections ▶ confirmation of the state of each building*This app is offered to you at no cost; however, in order to usethe app in conjunction with the ginstr cloud you need to purchase aginstr subscription. The 'ginstr launcher' is required to run thisginstr application. If the launcher is not already present on yoursmartphone, it will be installed along with this application
Plumber Service Report plumberServiceReport_20190521
ginstr GmbH
This ginstr app for plumbers is great for recording the workinghours for each customer, allowing you to enter service dates andreceive confirmation from the customer. The app automaticallycreates inspection reports so there is no need for furtherdocumentation. The office administrator coordinating the tasks canquickly establish what tasks have been completed by what worker andwhether the worker is free to take on other priority tasks. Thisapp continuously replicates all user data with ginstr cloud. Thedata can then be analysed, processed, sorted, filtered, exportedand shared with other departments, such as accounting, HR ordispatching, in ginstr web - the web based platform for use withall ginstr apps. Link to ginstr web: ▶ records customer information ▶ records all completedtasks and the areas covered ▶ records employee working hours andtime stamp of tasks performed ▶ registers all addressesautomatically from the GPS coordinates when entering data (if GPSreception is available) ▶ registers dates and time of data entryautomatically ▶ records the logins of users ▶ captures customersignatures Benefits: ▶ tamper-proof digital recording of all taskscompleted per customer or order ▶ customers are able to confirm allcompleted tasks and the time spent by the worker ▶ view all dataimmediately for further processing ▶ never lose a job ticket as allactivities are digitally recorded ▶ include activity details incustomer invoices without delay This app is offered to you at nocost; however, in order to use the app in conjunction with theginstr cloud you need to purchase a ginstr subscription. The'ginstr launcher' is required to run this ginstr application. Ifthe launcher is not already present on your smartphone, it will beinstalled along with this application.
Inventory Manager
ginstr GmbH
Seamless and quick recording of products on stock with bar code orQR code
Hotel Minibar
ginstr GmbH
With this app the refilling of minibars can be easily documented